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MDOT Updates: M-30 Bridge over US-10 in Sanford

MDOT will be demolishing the M-30 over US-10 bridge beginning next week. The contractor’s schedule and detour routes look like the following:

  • Monday, March 17th

    • Close M-30 over US-10 and also set up a single lane closure on both EB & WB US-10. The M-30 bridge will be closed at 7:00am on Monday, March 17th.  Note that M-30 over US-10 will remain closed for the entirety of the project (March 17th to middle of August).

      • SB M-30 will be detoured via WB US-10 to West River Road interchange, and then EB US-10 to exit at M-30.

      • NB M-30 will be detoured via EB US-10 to Stark Road interchange, and the WB US-10 to exit at M-30

        • This will be the primary detour for the entirety of the project with the exception of the night closures below for SB M-30.

  • Tuesday, March 18th

    • A smaller crew will be on site during the day to prepare for the upcoming bridge demo on Tuesday night. M-30 over US-10 will be closed, and there will be single lane closures on EB & WB US-10.

    • Beginning at 7:00pm, WB US-10 will be closed for the bridge demo. US-10 will reopen at 6:00am Wednesday.

      • WB US-10 will be detoured via NB M-30 to Curtis Road westerly to M-18, and then southerly to US-10.

      • SB M-30 will be detoured via Shaffer Road easterly to Stark Road, southerly to Saginaw Road, and then west to M-30.

      • NB M-30 will be detoured via EB US-10 to Stark Road interchange, and the WB US-10 to exit at M-30

  • Wednesday, March 19th

    • A smaller crew will be on site during the day to prepare for the upcoming bridge demo Wednesday night. M-30 over US-10 will be closed, and there will be single lane closures on EB & WB US-10.

    • Beginning at 7:00pm, EB US-10 will be closed for the bridge demo. US-10 will reopen at 6:00am Thursday.

      • EB US-10 will be detoured via M-18 northerly to Curtis Road, easterly to M-30, southerly to Shaffer Road, easterly to Stark Road, and southerly to the Stark Road interchange. All truck traffic must exit at M-18 and follow this detour.

        • Local Traffic Only—EB US-10 will be fully closed at West River Road and all traffic must exit here.

      • SB M-30 will be detoured via Shaffer Road easterly to Stark Road, southerly to Saginaw Road, and then west to M-30.

      • NB M-30 will be detoured via EB US-10 to Stark Road interchange, and the WB US-10 to exit at M-30

  • Thursday, March 20th

    • A smaller crew will be on site during the day to prepare for the upcoming bridge demo Thursday night. M-30 over US-10 will be closed, and there will be single lane closures on EB & WB US-10.

    • Beginning at 7:00pm, EB US-10 will be closed for the bridge demo. US-10 will reopen at 6:00am Friday.

      • EB US-10 will be detoured via M-18 northerly to Curtis Road, easterly to M-30, southerly to Shaffer Road, easterly to Stark Road, and southerly to the Stark Road interchange. All truck traffic must exit at M-18 and follow this detour.

        • Local Traffic Only—EB US-10 will be fully closed at West River Road and all traffic must exit here.

      • SB M-30 will be detoured via Shaffer Road easterly to Stark Road, southerly to Saginaw Road, and then west to M-30.

      • NB M-30 will be detoured via EB US-10 to Stark Road interchange, and the WB US-10 to exit at M-30

  • Friday, March 21st

    • A smaller crew will be on site during the day to prepare for the upcoming bridge demo Friday night. M-30 over US-10 will be closed, and there will be single lane closures on EB & WB US-10.

    • Beginning at 7:00pm, WB US-10 will be closed for the bridge demo. US-10 will reopen at 6:00am Saturday morning.

      • WB US-10 will be detoured via NB M-30 to Curtis Road westerly to M-18, and then southerly to US-10.

      • SB M-30 will be detoured via Shaffer Road easterly to Stark Road, southerly to Saginaw Road, and then west to M-30.

      • NB M-30 will be detoured via EB US-10 to Stark Road interchange, and the WB US-10 to exit at M-30


After the work next week, the contractor will begin construction of the new bridge. There will be single lane closures on both eastbound & westbound US-10 to give the contractor ample room to construct the new bridge.

MCRC - Public Open House: Monroe Road Project

The Midland County Road Commission will be hosting a public open house regarding the upcoming 2025 roadway improvements to Monroe Road, between Eastman Road and Sturgeon Road, and the resulting temporary access impacts to Midland City Forest Park.

The open house will take place on March 13, 2025, from 4:00 – 6:00pm, at the Larkin Township Hall, located at 3016 N. Jefferson Road, where anyone can stop by, ask questions, and give input on this proposed project

M-30 over US-10 bridge replacement begins March 17 in Sanford

MT. PLEASANT, Mich. - The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is investing $7.3 million to replace the M-30 bridge over US-10 in Sanford. The bridge approach on eastbound US-10 over the Tittabawassee River will also be improved.



Closest community:

Start date:
Monday, March 17, 2025 

Estimated end date:
August 2025

Traffic restrictions:
M-30 will be closed over US-10 during this project. Southbound M-30 traffic will be detoured via westbound US-10, W. River Road and eastbound US-10 back to southbound M-30. Northbound traffic will be detoured via eastbound US-10, Stark Road and westbound US-10 back to northbound M-30.

Intermittent closures of US-10 will be needed during this project for bridge demolition and beam setting work. Notifications will be sent out in advance of those closures.

Jobs numbers:
Based on economic modeling, this investment is expected to directly and indirectly support 70 jobs.

Safety benefit:
The new bridge will provide drivers with a safe, reliable structure. The new bridge will include a 14-foot-wide separated nonmotorized path on the west side of the structure for future pathway connections.

MDOT - M-20 Resurfacing begins March 17 in Midland County

M-20 resurfacing begins March 17 in Midland County

MT. PLEASANT, Mich. - The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is investing $21.9 million to resurface and improve M-20 from M-30 (Meridian Road) to Currie Parkway west of Midland. Work will include 5.7 miles of resurfacing, concrete curb and gutter work, shoulder widening, joint repairs, storm sewer work, guardrail upgrades and pavement markings. 



Closest community:

Start date:
Monday, March 17, 2025

Estimated end date:
November 2025

Traffic restrictions:
Traffic will be maintained using lane closures and traffic shifts. One lane will be open in each direction.

Jobs numbers:
Based on economic modeling, this investment is expected to directly and indirectly support 209 jobs.

Safety benefit:
This work will provide drivers with fresh pavement markings and a smoother, safer driving surface. Closing lanes during this type of work is necessary to provide the safest work area possible for crews and motorists. 

MCRC Seasonal Weight Restrictions

The Midland County Road Commission will implement weight restrictions on all Midland County Roadways, except "All-Season Roads", effective Monday, March 3, 2025 at 7am.

More information can be found at:

*Statewide* county weight restrictions can be viewed at:

Wintertime Active Transportation

MATS has created a set of maps that highlight winter activity opportunities and trail access across the Midland Area. These resources offer essential information to help people discover the best locations to enjoy a variety of winter sports.

The winter activities map features trails for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, sledding, and ice skating, ensuring winter enthusiasts can easily find the perfect spot to enjoy the season. The map includes details on trail locations, terrain type, and potential connections to other winter sports areas, making it easier for users to plan their outdoor adventures.

Additionally, the trail map outlines key routes for walking, hiking, and biking, with information on trail locations, sizes, and surface types, helping users find the best path for their preferred activity. The map also highlights connections to other trails and parks, ensuring a seamless experience for all.

2024 MATS Final Acceptance Report

An MPO Final Acceptance Report is a formal document that serves to confirm the completion and final approval of a transportation planning project or initiative within an MPO region. MPOs are responsible for overseeing and coordinating transportation planning efforts in metropolitan areas, ensuring that transportation systems are safe, efficient, and aligned with regional goals.