MDOT seeks public input for 25-year transportation plan

Denyse Shannon - MDOT

Over the next four months the Michigan Department of Transportation will be asking for public input on its Michigan Mobility 2045, or MM 2045 plan.

The long-range transportation plan that started with talks last May, will set priorities for the state for the next 25 years.

MDOT hopes to get a large, diverse group of residents and stakeholders to give input on transportation priorities like highways, public transit, bicycle and pedestrian traffic through the end of April.

The state is trying to get input from as many people as possible and is using newer technology in its outreach effort.

Online surveys, telephone town halls and visioning sessions along with the use of a public involvement software called Metroquest to try to get more people involved.

A draft of the transportation plan, and an interactive survey are available on line at

Comments can also be sent to, or shared on social media at