City of Midland Mill and Overlay Program Coming to City Streets

Numerous local streets in the city of Midland will see surface improvements as part of the City’s annual mill and overlay program. 

This application involves removing and replacing the top layers of a street’s asphalt to reduce surface roughness and address minor deformations, cracking, and irregularities in the pavement surface. This process can extend the lifespan of a street’s surface by up to 10 – 15 years.  

City of Midland in Partnership with ACOI to Host Virtual Town Hall Meeting on Flooding

The City of Midland, in partnership with the Midland Business Alliance Advisory Committee on Infrastructure (ACOI), will host a virtual town hall meeting on Monday, July 29 to discuss updates on the selection of potential projects to mitigate flooding in the community. 

The meeting, which will take place from 7 - 8:30 p.m. at, will include a presentation from ACOI engineering contractor Spicer Group and provide an opportunity for attendees to ask questions. Panelists for the virtual town hall include ACOI Co-Chair J.W. Fisher, ACOI Committee Member Bill Schuette, Midland Business Alliance President Tony Stamas, and Midland City Manager Brad Kaye.  

Pre-registration is not required. The town hall will be recorded for those unable to attend and will be made available online and via the MCTV Network’s distribution channels.  

City of Midland Collects Input on Stormwater Management

The City of Midland is asking residents, property owners, developers, and stormwater professionals to weigh in on flooding or precipitation-related events as it prepares for a comprehensive review of its stormwater management policy. 

Feedback collected from the survey will be used by City staff in the Planning and Engineering departments as they complete a comprehensive review of the City's stormwater management policy. The deadline to participate in the online topic is Friday, August 9 at 5 p.m. Visit to participate.

Midland County Road Millage - What is the road millage proposal?

Since 1957, a voter-approved road millage has provided dedicated street funding to improve and maintain 1,100 roadway miles and bridges in 16 Midland County townships, the cities of Midland and Coleman, and the Village of Sanford.

The current proposal on the August 6 ballot asks for a 1 mill tax renewal to help maintain and improve roads and bridges throughout Midland County. This is not a new tax.

If passed, this millage will generate $3.9 million per year through 2028 that will be used, in addition to local, state, and federal funds, to fix our roadways.

PUBLIC INPUT OPPORTUNITY: plan for the future of Emerson Park!

Midland Parks and Recreation is considering the future of Emerson Park - and we want you to be a part of it! 

Emerson Park is located just across M-20 from Downtown Midland, bounded by the Pere-Marquette Rail Trail, Currie Parkway, the Tittabawassee River, and Orchard Drive (including the Emerson Park ice rink). The City of Midland is embarking on a master planning process for this park, which will include identifying future land use, amenities, and activities that will guide the development of the park over time.

Public input will be collected for the Emerson Park Master Plan in two ways:

  • In person: Wednesday, July 17 from 6-8 p.m. at Emerson Park Pavilion D

  • Online: Survey on E-CityHall through July 22, 2024

Once completed, public input will be used to develop preliminary conceptual design of the park that will be shared at the August 7 Parks & Recreation Commission meeting. 
If you can't make it to the in-person input session or prefer to use the digital survey option, you can participate by clicking the button below.

MDOT seeks feedback from vulnerable road users through survey and open houses

Fast facts:

·   MDOT is surveying Michigan residents on vulnerable road user safety.

·   A vulnerable road user includes anyone walking, biking or rolling (nonmotorized forms).

·   The 15-question survey is now available through Aug. 18. 

LANSING, Mich. - The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is conducting a vulnerable road user safety assessment (VRUSA) through a 15-question survey and hosting several public open houses throughout the state to improve understanding of the conditions and behaviors present in fatal and serious injury crashes. VRUs include anyone walking, biking or rolling by nonmotorized forms of transportation on public roads or on foot in work zones. 

Michigan residents
Community stakeholders 

When and Where:

Thursday, July 25, 2024
3 - 7 p.m.
Hoyt Public Library
505 Janes Ave.
Saginaw, MI 48607 

Mackinaw Road bridge demolition at US-10 starts May 10 in Bay County

BAY CITY, Mich. - The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will close the Mackinaw Road overpass and ramps at US-10 as a part of a $32.8 million investment to rebuild westbound US-10 from 7 Mile Road to Bay City. In addition to demolishing and rebuilding the Mackinaw Road bridge, crews will also build two roundabouts at the overpass.


Mackinaw Road

Closest cities:
Bay City

Start date:
7 a.m.
Friday, May 10, 2024

Estimated end date:
November 2024