Midland Area Transportation Study (MATS)
MATS Policy Committee will meet on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at 10 AM.
Pursuant to Executive Order 2020-42, Executive Order 2020-48, and the Open Meetings Act, this meeting will be held virtually via Zoom and, for the purposes of public involvement, Facebook Live video feed.
For public participation purposes, the Zoom meeting will also be broadcast via Facebook Live at the following link, where comments can be made:
During the meeting, an opportunity for public comment will take place regarding transportation issues/projects.
Pursuant to regulations, accommodations can be made for disabled or disadvantaged persons (including limited English speaking ability). To request aids/services contact Maja Bolanowska at or 989-832-6333.
This notice is used to satisfy the public participation process for the Program of Projects for the City of Midland Dial A Ride, per Chapter 53 of Title 49 US Code.
The agenda and all meeting materials can be accessed via this link: